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Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

WS Boardman Elementary School 


The opening day of school will be Tuesday, September 5th.  

You can phone our school directly. Please note our numbers: 

Main Office - Mrs. Ferris and Mrs. Ambort 678-8510 Nurse’s Office - Mrs. Garofalo 678-8514 Psychologist – Dr. Petrino 678-8516 Social Worker – Greer Slovin 678-1391 

Please adhere to the following guidelines and procedures throughout the school year to keep our children safe and secure. 

School begins at 8:15 AM. Children will be considered late if they enter after that time. Students  will be permitted into classrooms between 8:05 AM, when the first bell rings and 8:15 AM., when  the official day begins. Children should not arrive at school earlier than 8:05 AM, as we do not  have outdoor supervision before this time. The only exceptions would be those children who have  scheduled early morning instruction or are at school for the breakfast program. 


If you drive your child to school please use the Beatrice Avenue entrance. Drive around the circle  and pull up to the designated drop off area. Beatrice Avenue is an exit lane, so make a left turn  and exit the school complex on Beatrice Avenue. DO NOT form a double lane of cars. This will  force children to cross between cars, causing a VERY DANGEROUS situation. Please be aware  that parents will not be permitted in the building at drop-off time. 


Walkers are dismissed out of the back of the building. Park your cars on Mahlon Brower Drive.  Please do not park in the faculty lot. Walk toward the doors on the left and stand behind the  concrete island. Teachers will dismiss students from this location. The dismissal times can be  found below. 

3:00 PM – Grades 5 & 6 

3:03 PM – Grades 3 & 4 

3:05 PM – Grades 1 & 2 


We need your help in finalizing your child’s after-school plans at home to alleviate last-minute  phone calls during the school day. If an emergency dismissal change must be made after the start  of the school day, please adhere to the established procedure. Any change of lunch plans or  dismissal plans must be preceded by a written note or email from a parent to the teacher with the  date and signature of the parent. We will not release any child unless we have this in writing. If  emailing, you must also “cc” our main office staff: & 

In addition, any last minute change in the CARES after school program must be received by email, fax or in person. Please finalize dismissal plans before the start of the school day. Following the procedure above is crucial as we work to dismiss approximately 300 students. Safety is our  priority. Thank you for your cooperation! 


Our breakfast and lunch programs will begin on the first day of school, Tuesday, September 5th.  Breakfast will be available in the cafeteria from 7:30 AM. To 8:15 AM. The cost of breakfast is  $2.25. Any child who attends the breakfast program must purchase breakfast. Children will not be  allowed into breakfast before 7:30 AM since there is no supervision before that time. 

Lunch may also be purchased at school. You may either purchase lunch on a daily basis or enroll  your child in the MY SCHOOL BUCKS program. The cost of lunch is $2.60. Information for this  program may be found on the Oceanside School District website. Please note your child’s school ID number is required to enroll. 

Lunch Period Schedule 

11:10 – Grades 1, 2 & 5 

12:10 – Grades 3, 4, & 6 


We are committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all of the children in our  school. With this in mind, our school is entirely NUT FREE. This includes both peanuts and  tree nut products. Please thoroughly check food labels to ensure that your child’s snack and lunch  are nut free. 

Shortly, you will receive a list of any additional allergies in your child’s class. Please avoid  sending in any snacks or lunches that contain these allergens.  

In addition, food will not be permitted for classroom celebrations. Crafts are welcome. 


If your child is going to be absent from school please call the nurse’s office at 678-8514  the first thing in the morning. In the event that she doesn’t hear from you, she will call home on  the morning of your child’s first day of absence. A note explaining the cause of absence is  required when your child returns to school, and should be given to your child’s teacher. If your  child is going to be absent for several days and you are requesting class work or homework to be  sent home, please call the office in the morning so that this can be arranged. Please do not call in  the afternoon requesting homework; it is important we provide the classroom teachers enough time  to gather the necessary materials. 


We will continue to utilize an automated phone and email system to inform you of important  school events, snow emergencies and delayed openings. Please be sure to update your email  address on the online parent portal. 

Thank you for reading through this letter. Have a wonderful school year!